Friday, May 18, 2007

A word from Bill and Ted: Be excellent to each other

Something that I have thought over for quite some time really hit home for me today. When you interact with someone, you usually just know them in the context of your relationship: whether that means your professor, your roommate, your coworker. For example, I meet with professors occasionally when I need help with a research paper or to go over a test. I rarely know any real information about their personal lives. The same goes with coworkers- you know them in the context of work situations, but you never really know what goes on because of the stigma of keeping business and personal so separate. However, today someone I work with came in a little frazzled and mentioned something about being up all night. I asked if everything was alright, only to find out this person was dealing with some serious family issues.

I was amazed at how this person can spend an entire day meeting the demands of everyone in the office, and yet no one realizes the silent struggles carried by someone who always remains so cheerful and caring towards others. (Please excuse the awkward phrasing that occurred as a result of my attempt at maintaining anonymity.)

I guess I was just reminded of how important it is to be kind to people; you never really know what they may be dealing with. Sometimes life is really tough, and we can all make it a little easier to bear if we aren't so selfish. Try to be a better person by thinking more of others than you do of yourself.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hall Pass

Occasionally at work I have to run errands around to different offices throughout the building or across campus. Sometimes when I go, I feel like I should be taking a hall pass with me like little kiddies do in elementary school to go to their lockers.

Might this be a microcosmic representation of my feelings of inferiority and submission to the authority of The Man? I say, NAY! I will not yield to the tyranny of the man! I will take no hall pass and give no apologies!

And while I'm thinking of it, why do kids have to ask to use the restroom? Shouldn't people just be able to go when they need to go? American culture is so bizarre. Or maybe this is a global problem.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Work Convos

I am working as a receptionist this summer, and I have really enjoyed my job so far. I don't know if it's just because it's Friday, but there have been a lot of interesting conversations today. Here is a sampling:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Halloween costumes
Leaving messages for people who are in the bathroom and the variety of explanations one can give to describe their absence
Using the bathroom with the door opened (and how my roommates have no problem with this)
Talking on the phone while using public/private restrooms
Designing bedrooms without a wall dividing the shower and toilet
"A" and "B" actors/actresses and why some make and some don't
A full discussion of all movies playing at the dollar theater
Falling off a bike, complete with visuals of the war wounds
Positioning of the bra strap on the shoulder
Intramural sports
Reincarnation as a travel agent

Don't you wish you worked here, too!?