Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yesterday I finished Tender Is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Right now I'm reading Utopia by Thomas More, which I have been meaning to read since I was in high school.

True Confessions: The real reason I became interested in reading Utopia in high school was because it was mentioned on the movie Everafter with Drew Barrymore.

This is no longer my primary motivation. But I do love that movie.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Crock Pot Adventure

Montgomery, Alabama is my new home. For now. In fact, Ronnie and I are living in a hotel room on base while he trains to be a JAG (you know, like a movie star). At the end of April we are driving out to Fairfield, California where we'll be stationed for about 2 years.

But that is neither here nor there.

The point is, we're not too keen on eating in the mess hall for every meal, but cooking in our room is a little tricky. Resources: microwave, toaster, mini-refrigerator which includes a small freezer section. And I brought a crock pot along just in case. I have used a crock pot twice ever.
So today I attempted a dinner of pork loin roast with an Italian herb and garlic seasoning packet, chopped onions, and carrots in the crock pot. It was delicious. (Although I was a little concerned that upon returning home from church we would find the carpet melted or something dreadful of that nature...luckily it was for naught.)

After I put the leftovers in a plastic bag in the mini-fridge, Ronnie and I realized we had problem: how to dispose of the juices, drippings, and small pieces of onion, fat, and meat that were left in the pot. I had planned on washing the pot in the bath tub, but all that junk definitely wouldn't fit down the drain.

Suddenly, a stroke of genius.

The toilet.

That's right folks, we flushed all that junk right down the toilet.

And let me tell you, it was not appetizing AT ALL to see it in there.