Friday, May 11, 2007

Work Convos

I am working as a receptionist this summer, and I have really enjoyed my job so far. I don't know if it's just because it's Friday, but there have been a lot of interesting conversations today. Here is a sampling:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Halloween costumes
Leaving messages for people who are in the bathroom and the variety of explanations one can give to describe their absence
Using the bathroom with the door opened (and how my roommates have no problem with this)
Talking on the phone while using public/private restrooms
Designing bedrooms without a wall dividing the shower and toilet
"A" and "B" actors/actresses and why some make and some don't
A full discussion of all movies playing at the dollar theater
Falling off a bike, complete with visuals of the war wounds
Positioning of the bra strap on the shoulder
Intramural sports
Reincarnation as a travel agent

Don't you wish you worked here, too!?


Blogger the narrator said...

all we do is talk about the war all day.

and the jazz.

1:36 PM

Blogger Stefani said...

I hate the jazz. A few days ago someone had written "Go Jazz" in chalk on the sidewalk in front of my apt and I spat on it and wiped it off.

3:53 PM

Blogger be said...

Using the bathroom with the door opened (and how my roommates have no problem with this)

Are you worried about convincing Ronnie that there's a problem with this?

5:26 PM

Blogger Stefani said...

Please allow me to defend my boyfriend briefly. Ronnie is very well mannered and quite a gentleman. You have all tried to scare me into thinking that he is some animal that can never be trained to behave like a human, but I am happy to tell you that it is lies...all lies. He has only ever been polite and sweet, and he definitely doesn't have a problem with leaving the door open. You people are crazy.

8:50 AM


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