Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Truth About Toothbrushes

I recently had a conversation with someone for about 15 minutes debating this issue. I would like all people in the world to know (and by that I mean all members of provoplatinum) that I would rather die a thousand deaths than share my toothbrush with another person. Seriously, I don't care how well I know you, or how long we have been friends...it's not going to happen so don't even ask. I respect coy and all that it stands for, but sharing a toothbrush is definitely crossing a line. I'm all about sharing antibodies in an attempt to cure the world of all disease, but the thought of sharing someone else's plaque makes me want to throw up. Just so you all know.


Blogger B-rad said...

I totally agree. I heard a stat on the radio that 75% of College Students admitted to having used they're roommates toothbrush more than once. I know which percentage I'm, but then where are the other 75% of the people I have lived with? eugggggghhh

4:20 PM

Blogger Kim said...

So you are saying that it's a problem that I have used your toothbrush before Stef?
Sorry about that...mine was lost.

7:29 PM

Blogger Ronnie said...

A Toothbrush has to be one of the filthiest things in the bathroom. For months we stick this thing in our mouth to clean out all the bacteria and oreo crumbs that have accumulated in there and then we let it sit and stew for about 8 hours before we stick it in our mouth again. I think I'm going to start buying a new toothbrush everyday from now on. Also, for the record, I've never used anyone else's toothbrush in my life.

11:57 AM

Blogger Stefani said...

Kimmie I just threw up in my mouth.

4:15 PM

Blogger Kim said...

I officially used stefani's toothbrush today and it was even on accident!!! HAHAAHAHAH!

3:18 PM


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