Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mall Rats

Today my mom wanted to exercise, and since it is dangerously hot outside here in Rockford, she wanted to walk inside at the mall with the air conditioning. I got to thinking about the mall and all the people that it represents. Have you ever wondered if you should be classified as a mall rat? Please consider the following:

You go to the mall to buy anything from shirts to thank you cards.
You go to the mall to exercise in the morning before the stores even open.
The store owners and cashiers know you by name and ask about your personal life.
You find that all your funny/interesting stories take place at the mall.
You go to the mall to pick up on girls/guys and invite them to your parties.
You flirt with the cashiers at the mall in an effort to get discounts.
You crave food that can only be found in a mall food court.

If you can identify with one or more of these descriptions, then yes, you may be a mall rat. If you are surprised at your current mall rat status, please take solace in the fact that there are more among you than you probably realize... While I am certainly not a part of this association, please feel free to use this blog as a support group for yourselves.


Blogger Ronnie said...

At least there's no chance of me ever falling asleep at the mall.

2:27 PM

Blogger be said...

I think you definitely need to identify with more than one of those before you're a mall rat.

3:12 PM

Blogger Stefani said...

I guess maybe the first one is a given, and then any additional ones would make you a mall rat.

If you identify with all, then I guess you could call yourself the mall rat king.

4:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about if you go to the mall to buy Magic cards?

5:25 PM

Blogger Kim said...

I don't even remember the last time I had to go to the mall. I am DEFINITELY not a mall rat.
However, I thought your post was titled "mail rats" and I am for sure one of those.

8:26 PM

Blogger Ronnie said...

Kimbro, what in the world is a "mail rat"?

10:35 AM

Blogger Kim said...

A "mail rat" is defined by someone who loves to check the mail and whose ultimate excitement each day comes from running down the hall with the little key to see what the mailman brought. Thats me.

8:17 PM

Blogger Stefani said...

And my grandma. She checks her mailbox EVERY time she walks by it. No matter what time of day, or even if she already got the mail that day.

8:44 AM


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