Play Dough Representation of My Life
My new calling is home-study seminary teacher. I have 2 students, and last Wednesday was our first day (although only one girl showed up). As a getting to know you activity we each built something out of play dough that tells something about you.
The only thing I could come up with was a play dough sculpture of a bed with me sleeping on it.
Then I explained to the girl in the class that I really like sleeping, so I was glad that I was called to be home-study seminary teacher because then we don't have to get up early every morning.
At the same time I was explaining this to the girl, I was thinking about how this little sculpture might amuse my friends from the old 177th Ward...although you all rarely saw me sleeping in my actual bed. More like the car, the couch, the floor, the sidewalk....
I hope you are amused.