Early On-Set Arthritis
Do you remember back in first grade when your teacher had a fit about holding your pencil correctly? The delinquent students even had to put a grip thing on the tip of their pencil that looked like a piece of play dough. I tried the "correct" way for a while, but then my rebellion against the man kick started in my little seven year old body, and I declared that I would hold my pencil however I felt like it! I switched up positions regularly and never had any problems. My high school English teacher senior year even took a picture of my hand because he said he had never seen someone hold a pencil that way, and he had a collection running of pictures of tons of students through the years (Side note: I hope that I never develop such a weird habit in order to make my life as an English teacher seem interesting).
Well, after writing hundreds of thank you notes (which unfortunately I have taken WAY too long to finish), I actually have a throbbing pain in the space between my ring finger and my little pinky on my right hand.
I can no longer pick up a writing utensil. I can hardly press the enter key on my computer without calling out in agony.
I guess I should have trained myself better in my youth, and instead of attempting independence from the rest of the written world, I should have humbly joined with those who used the play dough reform tool.
My punishment is an ice pack and a tylenol for the rest of the night.
I don't think I ever gave in to the play-dough reform because every now and then I sit there looking at my hand with a pencil in it and I can't figure out the right way to hold the stupid thing.
Of course, it sounds like I never needed the reform as bad as you did...
8:08 PM
Ring finger and pinky? I'm trying to visualize holding a pen so that you'd get a sore there, and everything I can come up with is really strange. Way to be unique.
I recommend that you give up the pen for a while and take to the keyboard. :) I know I'm not one to lecture on blogging more frequently (it's been over a year since I've made a post), but it really made me happy to see your blog pop up on provoplatinum!
1:34 PM
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